Online learning tools
Taking the most out of the online environment.
Here are some tools you may find useful. Enjoy!
Interactive Boards
Use Stormboard’s shared workspace to generate more ideas, and then prioritize, organize, and refine those ideas to make your meetings, brainstorms, and projects more productive and effective.
Even if you’ve never used any kind of productivity software before, Padlet is familiar and fun.
Notes, reminders, lists, links, images. helps you keep track of all of these visually on a single online canvas instead of notes stuck to your computer, desk or fridge.
Mark up websites, graphics, and photos, or start drawing on a blank canvas. Browse the web with your students or make that remote tutoring session more productive than ever. No plug-ins, downloads, or firewall voodoo – it’s all here, ready to go when you are. Browser-agnostic, user-friendly.
Sketchboard’s virtual whiteboard solution helps you to innovate ideas and solve complex problems together.
Virtual online whiteboard with team collaboration.
Ziteboard is a lightweight whiteboard website which works on any device: laptops, tablets, mobile devices – optimized for both iPad’s Safari and Google Chrome on laptops.
A collaborative educational environment plays a very important role in building up a community of caring individuals where everyone works towards a common goal – increasing the positive outcome.
Virtual labs
Connect Virtual Labs is a fully online lab solution that can be used as an online lab replacement, preparation, supplement or make-up lab to bridge the gap between lab and lecture. These simulations help a student learn the practical and conceptual skills needed, then check for understanding and provide feedback. With adaptive pre-lab and post-lab assessment available, instructors can customize each assignment.
Real science, real stories, and real data to engage students in exploring the living world.
Labster gives students access to a realistic lab experience that will let them perform experiments and practice their skills in a fun and risk-free learning environment. Watch the video to learn what Labster can offer.
Over 400 math and science Gizmos gives everyone something to graph, measure, and compare. Even predict and prove. That’s hundreds of opportunities where students don’t just act like scientists and mathematicians. They are.
Virtual Labs Biology Collection
Virtual Biology Lab is a free, online educational resource provided for educational purposes. VBL simulates natural environments with the way life responds to changing conditions. We provide a world to be explored rather than a path to be followed. Background information and technical instruction help students learn by experimentation. Parameters and conditions adjust easily for observable effects and consequences.
BioMan Biology is the fun place to learn Biology! Here you will find learning games, review games, virtual labs and quizzes that will help you to learn about cells, ecology, genetics, physiology, and much more!
Note: If you are a teacher, please check out the teacher section for ways to use the site to increase student engagement and learning. Remember, everything on this site is completely FREE to use!
Sometimes the best way to learn biology is by playing a game or using a simulation. For this reason some of our stories and activities include companion games. Here we list our current collection of fun biology games. We hope you enjoy them.
Boost your health knowledge by playing these interactive health games.
Looking for math & science games and activities for your middle school or elementary classroom? Imagine thousands of online math & science games built for teachers like you. When you are teaching and considering which activities to blend into your lesson plan, nothing builds engagement like a fun learning game.